
Sunday, 1 October 2017


Now usually at around this time of year my thoughts turn to all things green. By which I mean Orcs. Not zombies. Zomtober doesn't make sense and isn't a thing no matter how often you say it.
Orctober is however a perfectly adequate pun. As is Orktober. You see, it's only one letter different so sounds pretty similar - that's how puns work. Rather than two words jammed together to make a third word that sounds like no other word in the language.


This year however I'm up against it with just over a month to go until Peterborough and a big unit of Paedos Pedyt to get painted (and probably some characters too). However I don't want to abandon thoughts of greenskins entirely, so I think I'm going to have a bash at, umm bashing together a Weirdboy for my 40K Orks using the old bitzbox and some spare WFB Orcy bits.


  1. Does this mean that we'll get some games of 40K in.......

