
Friday, 21 April 2017

Good Friday Massacre - Warhammer 8th Edition Triumph and Treachery

As is now traditional myself, Stevo and Spandex assembled on a Bank Holiday to play soldiers, exchange bantz and consume more beer than is strictly wise or necessary for gentlemen of our advancing years*. And then have a curry.

Again as is traditional I can't really remember much about it and the pictures aren't great.

Three way, Triumph and Treachery.
I took Ogres with some Kislev allies, Stephen had Wood Elves with perfidious Bretonnians and Spandex had a Chaos alliance of Warriors and Daemons.

Here's the pictures

 Boyar on a Bear!

 Mighty, mighty Ogres

 Big Oaky Bloke

 Mutlyl...Muterl...big Chaos Gribbly

 Filthy Frog Munchers

 Forward the Ungol Archers!


 Skipping off to War!

 Choppin' firewood

 Rumble, krunch

 Oh dear

 BOOM! Hur, hu...oh

 This is less than ideal


 This isn't so bad

 Oh dear

 Woof, woof, SQUISH!


As is again traditional Spandex failed to drink enough (some feeble excuse about his son's birthday party) and then went on to take advantage of Steve and I to win the game. He has a liver that's barely 40 years old - such a shame it never gets a proper work out.
Then we all went for a (traditional) curry and put the world to rights.

*Remember kidz drinking a lot makes you irresistible to the opposite sex. Fact!**

**Not actually a fact

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