
Sunday, 17 July 2016

Old Glory Pathans (2)

A few more of the Old Glory Pathan models.
Well, 12 more to be precise for that is the size of a rifle armed unit for TMWWBK.

This time I elected to include some dark brown and khaki clothing. to provide a little variety. Straight from the Halfords tin. Other than that they were simply painted with basic colours and then coats of various brown washes just like the previous unit

Someone over on the Lead Adventure Forum took issue with me over my description of these models.
Not because I don't like them (I do) but because I don't like them as much as he does.
Also because I like Artizan models and he doesn't.

Because I am a mature and reasonable person,  I say wargaming is a broad church and we are both entitled to our opinions.
In the same way that I'm entitled to the opinion that he's an arse.

Next, I'll be doing 12 more models including some Tiger models which are, shall we say, not castings I am looking forward to engaging with.


  1. Well, put me in the camp of liking the Old Glory Pathans. The bags I have seen and painted over the years contained good, solid sculpts. Details and molding was crisp and facial features were quite good. Your Pathans prove just how nice they look when painted.
    Good job!

    1. My thoughts about them exactly (and thanks for the painting compliment).
      Going to order some more this week.

  2. Well whilst not going to engage in fisticuffs as to who like the more, you are certainly assured of my vote with regards to how splendid they look.

    1. Thanks Michael, they really are easy to paint and get good results.
