
Tuesday, 24 May 2016

The Men Who Would Be Kings at Partizan

The two Andys (Hawes and McTaggart) put on a very jolly looking NWF game at Partizan using Dan Mersey's forthcoming TMWWBK rules.

I only got time for a brief peek at the game and chat with Andy H, but it all looked great and I'm dead excited to try and get my forces finished in teem for the launch.
I particularly like the fort.

Details of Andy's TMWWBK games are over on his blog.


  1. Jolly nice pictures, old bean! Thanks for posting them... I was so busy I only took one photo all day!

  2. I'm looking forward to the release of the rules.

  3. It does look really good, very excited about the the release of the rules.
