
Monday, 30 November 2015

WAB El Cid Warm-Up

Top wargaming chum Scrivs arranged a WAB day to be played using the excellent El Cid supplement at the end of November. I jumped at the chance to take part, but the end of the month rolled around and I'd still not played a game. So Scrivs and I arranged a last minute match just a day or two before the event. The ongoing construction work here meant I faced a lst minute dash to try and locate soldiers and in the end I couldn't find the 2000 points required. Fortunately Scrivs is a man of many armies so he was able to lend me an arab army to play with.

We played on some empty rolling plains as we were a bit short of scenery, but it served the purpose to re-acquaint us with the rules.

Here follows the pictures.

Unsurprisingly I failed to win.
But it all looked splendid and by the end I had the kind of tenuous and flimsy grasp of the rules that has seen me through so many WAB events in the past.

All the models were collected and painted by Scrivs.


  1. All painted minis/units look awesome! The flocking of the bases look great and the table top terrain too!...... Great to know you guys had fun wargaming!


    1. Thanks Phil (though I can take no credit, apart from taking the pictures)

  2. WAB? There's a blast from the past! Great looking game chaps!

    1. Thanks Ray. WAB still gives a good game, though it feels very "old school" and a bit fussy these days

  3. Beautiful armies as always, as usual a great pleasure for us!

    1. Glad you liked it. There's some more to follow over the coming days

  4. Superb figs and great-looking game!

  5. That is a great collection! Very kind of you to allow your host a win.
