
Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Crusader Greeks (2)

Progress of a sort.
I have tackled these with my version of The Scrivs Method(tm) a single all over coat of a brown wash. The Master's weapon of choice in this matter is Vallejo, but I have no truck with pronouncing js as ys so have instead used Coat D'Arms Medium Brown Super Wash - which I picked up a while ago as replacement for my diminishing supplies of Gryphonne Sepia.
It's like dipping, but without the faff and drying times. I figured over the usual Tallarn flesh it should give me a more Mediterranean skin tone and would nicely make the plain white look more like linen.

I will go back and add some highlights - for that is the Scrivs Way and the models are too nice not to. I'm pretty pleased with how simple and quick this was.


  1. Looking good. I'm quite happy using a wash over basecoat these days.. Especially on a white or grey undercoat. I use army painter Strong Tone

  2. Looking good. I'm quite happy using a wash over basecoat these days.. Especially on a white or grey undercoat. I use army painter Strong Tone

  3. Great results but then I am a stout believer in the dip method.

  4. Lovely brushwork on some great figures.
