
Saturday, 11 July 2015

Frostgrave first game

The offspring were very keen to play Frostgrave, so I set up a quick table and we had a test game. I picked three small warbands using some of the soldiers I've been painting and several GW Empire militia (ex Mordheim of course). We each had a wizard and two spells and I placed three treasure tokens. It was just a chance to get a bit familiar with the rules, really.

 The witch leads his men forward

 Whoever heard of a Necromancer in white?!

 Elementalist, ready to blast on sight

 The thief heads for the treasure

 The Necromancer, lurking

 The wizards begin to duel

 The elementalist grabs his bauble

The duel continues

In the end we each made off with a treasure token.
Quite late in the game, when no-one had died yet I realised I'd been getting the wounding rules wrong - "I knew it daddy!" was eldest boy's response. But a game where no-one died and we all got treasure was probably the right sort of introduction.
Apart from that error the rules were simple and it played out well. I think the boys will be up for another game soon.

Apologies for the poor picture quality. One urgent purchase is a piece of grey cloth to form a gaming base.


  1. After seeing the motorway pily up that is the age of Sigmar I may well give this a try.

    1. Age of Sigmar is OK.
      But I'd prefer to play Frostgrave.

  2. Looking forward to getting my Nickstarter book! As for the grey cloth...I picked up some grey felt pretty cheaply off eBay.

    1. Yep, think that's what I'll be doing too.

  3. Sounds like a great intro game. I've enjoyed seeing all the scenery you've built for this.

  4. Thanks Sean.
    It's been fun to build. Need to do some finishing this week for more games at the weekend.

  5. Looks great, shall we give it a whizz next week?
