
Thursday, 21 May 2015

New Project

Some time ago General Ballroom and I conceived of a wizard wheeze that would make a smashing project of the type ideal for two butterfly minded simpletons like us.

The first part of the plan was for me to get some models at Salute.
I failed to achieve this.

However I was able to make a successful online purchase and the goodies have duly arrived.

Unfortunately Gen. Ballroom has, in the intervening weeks, had a heart operation, followed by a severe bout of unexpected complications leading to nasty poorliness.

I visited him in hospital earlier this week and was able to drop off his part of the package, though it may be a while before he's ready to tackle much in the way of painting. However I was pleased to find him up and about and clearly on the mend.

So I'm going to crack on with my part of the project and we'll see where we end up.

Can anyone guess from the package above what the project might be..?


  1. Looks like the charge of the Union Brigade at Waterloo using Perry figures!

    1. Perry miniatures is correct. Waterloo is right.
      Not exactly the charge though...

    2. The retreat after the charge?

    3. Oh you're good.

    4. It was the box of French Line lancers. Plus I just read Cornwall's book on Waterloo and he had quite a bit on the charge and retreat.
      Regardless, it look like a fun project!

    5. The vignette pack of Ponsonby I guess just seals the deal.
      I've heard mixed reports about the Cornwell book. But maybe I'll see if the library has a copy.
      I've mainly been referring to The Battle by Alessandro Barbero which seems to capture things quite clearly. That and the Rod Steiger film.

    6. I got the Cornwell from the library but may pick it up in paperback or on the cheap pile for hardcovers once the pub comes out.
      It is more of a good read than a good history, but parts of it are good. I really like the maps and gives perspectives on pieces of the battle that I either hadn't seen elsewhere, or had forgotten. On the negative. There is no OOB and it is Anglo-centric.
      Cheers, PD

  2. I second it, Perry miniatures? :o)

    1. The boxes are a bit of a giveaway aren't they?

    2. :o)..yep..I have some Austrian's 28mm metal miniatures and I was totally surprised how the figures were or are packed with nice little black boxes and cotton wool for extra protection during shipping transit etc .... great packing by the Perry brothers Company!

  3. Love those little black boxes of Napoleonics... :)
