
Monday, 16 February 2015

Paper Soldiers for Dux Bellorum

I quite fancy the idea of playing Dux Bellorum using 10mm figures on a 2x2 board.
Mostly this has been inspired by the activities of Wargaming Addict
However my 10mm Saxons remain unfinished and I don't even own any Romano British in this scale (though that may change at Hammerhead)
I also saw on Tiny Terrain blog blog the use of card or paper tokens to represent units while waiting to get the miniatures painted
So to try and scratch the itch I headed over the the Junior General site to look at paper models as a short term fix and sure enough they had several suitable things.
So with a little fettling in Photoshop I created the following

At first I thought some front on views would be good, but they'll actually take more time and effort to cut out and get right than I can really be bothered with - this was supposed to be a quick and dirty "get you by". But having made them I thought I'd share.

So then I made some "Top Downs"

These will be really easy to cut out and glue direct to some of the many Warmaster bases I have lying around.

Both sets are scaled to be 40mmx20mm which is the size of a Warmaster base. If you want bigger you could make them so, but probably better to go back to the original files rather than upscale mine.

The Junior General site states:
Except where noted, all the paper soldiers and accessories on this site were drawn by Matthew Fritz © 2000-2009. All other files are copyrighted by the creators. Permission is granted to print, copy, modify, share, and post these files as you please provided you don't charge money for them, and credit is given to the creator (a link to the site would be nice).
These particular ones came from:
Late Romans created by John Wirth
Saxons also created by John Wirth
Top Downs
Romans by John Acar
Saxons by John Acar
So big thanks to Junior General and both Johns.

1 comment:

  1. I have a long-standing fondness for paper armies.. great way to try stuff out. I made a bunch of DBA 'top-downs' years ago.. must dig them out and get them posted!
