
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Warhammer Triumph and Treachery game

Last night I got together with two chums for a game of Warhammer using the new Triumph and Treachery expansion.
We played using 2000 point armies but without any mercenaries. I took Ogres, the other two had Empire armies. We played one of the scenarios from the book, the object of which is to pick up an objective in the centre of the board with your general and hold on to it until the end of the game.
The game was great fun to play and swung back and forth throughout. I started off sandwiched between the other two and the first few turns were tough going as they both seemed to be picking on me.
However Ogre toughness saw me through (along with plentiful regeneration spells) and I clawed my way back into the game, whilst the two Empire generals began to tear each other apart in the centre of the board.
The game finished at the end of the sixth turn, by which time we'd been playing well over four hours (and were starting to run low on beer) with a clear victory to one of the Empire forces.

Foolishly I forgot to take any pictures of what was visually quite a splendid and colourful game.

I really enjoyed the game - the fact that you can only pick to target a single enemy in any given phase, coupled with the random order in which each player takes his turn mean the violence is spread out, with less likelihood of one player being picked on as has often been the case in previous three player games I've taken part in. Usually multi-player games for me tend to break down into a number of single player games that just happen to be sharing one large table, but this didn't feel like that - you had to watch the guy on your flank as closely as the one across the board from you at all times.

The dirty trick cards and the opportunity to make and break alliances led to plentiful trash talking and attempts at influencing (or intimidating) fellow players into doing your will. The cards also added an extra sdimension to the tabletop game adding just the right amount of variety to upset the best laid plans.
The downsides - well it does take longer to play then regular Warhammer, but it's clearly intended for more social, "occasion" style gaming - the once every few months blowout type game rather than regular weekly sessions.
Its also not cheap, but it is a lovely product with some very nice tokens and cards and you really only need a single copy between a gaming group.

This is not an expansion aimed at the "tournament" or more competitive gamer and it requires some suspension of disbelief around game mechanics to work, but if you're the type of gamer who likes to play bigger games with a bunch of like minded souls then I think its well worth the investment.
We were all pleased with the game, and a quick look further through the book revealed we might well have all the models needed to re-fight one of the "historical" scenarios from the book involving Dwarfs, Skaven and Orcs and Goblins

1 comment:

  1. I have not even heard of this game. I have a huge and growing Bretonnian army and have not played a game with it in years.
