
Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Dux Bellorum Bases (3)

Finally finished the first batch of Dux Bellorum bases, 6 in total so far.
Need another three or four for a Dux Bellorum Saxon force I reckon.
Essentially I have added some static grass and a little clump foliage.

The rules allow for different classes of Saxon warriors. the hearthguard style unit are easy to recognise as they're the only ones in armour:

However the difference between nobles and ordinary warriors is more slight.
I could just go with Duguth models for the more seasoned warriors:

And Geoguth for the less good:

But I may take a leaf from Steve Jones' book and give the better warriors a flag:

At least the cavalry have no such problems:

All the models are from the excellent Musketeer Miniatures Early Saxon range

The bases themselves came from 4Ground

Looking at the pictures I think the edges could do with a small touch up, but other than that I'm pretty happy with the finish.
One or two of the holes are a little snug for the bases, so I may need to go back and do some edging work with a knife or file.
Now to get the others finished and then, maybe, actually get a game in.

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