
Monday, 23 April 2012

Eleven Almoravids

Eleven Gripping Beast Almoravids.
They still need a flag and the leader isn't finished yet. However this means I have almost painted all the Almoravids I own. So I'll be switching to Christians for the event later in the year.

Here's a few more pictures with added light (not sure if it really helps)

And a few singles:

Painted pretty much as per the El Cid book, white undercoat, pick out shields, skin boots and other leather work. Cover in Devlan Mud. Re-highlight. Base


  1. These are great. Colours are good - muted, but they still pop out.

  2. Great looking figures. Often the simplest methods produce excellent results

  3. Simple technique and great results. Well done!


  4. Thanks chaps.
    The pictures are actually a little "off" I think. The flesh looks much redder than in reality.
    I'll try and do some unit and whole army shots at some point soon. I think they look particularly good in mass effect.


  5. Nicely done, I've nearly finished the first eight Caballeros for my 'Age of El Cid' force - only another 24 mounted and 96 infantry to go.

  6. Very nicely done GB figures. You've got me jealous, I've still got most of my Almohads still to paint.

    Look forward to see the Christians.
