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Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Painting Progress
So I finished the archers.
Looking pretty good, if I do say so myself. Going back and re-highlighting a few bits (notably the faces) made them look a little less drybrushed and messy. And basing always improves things.
And now some Black Guard. Generaly considered over-pointed and not terribly effective...
They're Black Guard!
With cool black cloaks!
Lovely, lovely Gripping Beast models. Still need a little work and some basing and some varnish. So I best get my skates on and head off to Warlord Games post haste!
And do not worry gentle reader I am taking more than four of them. In fact I'm taking a ridiculously huge point-sink of a unit of them!
They're Black Guard!
They rock!!!
Victory shall be mine!
very nice painting great detail