
Monday, 30 December 2024

Lord of the Rings Three Player Game

Not So Young N and his dad came over for another game of the always fun Lord of the Rings game (MESBG as I believe the yoof have it).

It was a few weeks ago that we played and I have had several sleeps and a lot of chocolate and cheese in the interim so my memories are faded. But here are the pictures.

NSYN has been painting Easterlings, which were soon tearing in to my Wargs.

Fortunately I had the weight of numbers

The men of Rohan seem to have largely given up on their horses

My Orcs went hunting for Rohan flesh.

Ah, there are the horsemen.

My Warg riders were soon crashing home

As their riderless cousins continued to try and prize the Easterlings apart.

Man versus Orc, the eternal struggle

The battle breaks down into three separate clashes.

Orcish numbers beginning to tell.

And Wargs are dragging down the Easterling Kataphrakts

The Men of Rohan too are falling fast

Beneath a flurry of Orcish axe blades.

Great fun game, no idea who won - looking at the pictures it could have been me, but that seems unlikely!

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Season's Greeting

A Happy Christmas everyone, however you choose to celebrate.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

SteveFest 2024 - Warhammer The Old World (4) T&T version

For the final game we played Triumph and Treachery. Even though the rules were written for a previous version they still mostly work and it gives a fun (if long) game.

I took Dwarfs once again - Kenton had Khorne Warriors and Stephen took Daemons.

The Daemons were all in one corner.

Khorne's warriors were the filling in the sandwich.

I had a big unit of Longbeards masquerading as Royal Guard Warriors.

I castled defensively, planning to let the rival Chaos factions deal with one another.

Not quite sure why the Bloodletter isn't, you know, Blood coloured...

The fickle hand of Chaos counts his cards.

The rangers sneaked out on to a flank and shot at the Chaos giant thingy.

Khorne's daemons moved up.

And prepared to charge home.

The lines clashed.

And the Daemons went to work.

Elsewhere the Chaos knights took on the Bloodletters.

A big, red bloodbath.

Some of the rarely seen green Bloodletters at the back there.

The knights dealt with the smaller Daemons, but the Big Angry Lad was still running amok.

Still the Dwarf forces stood back.

A Classic match-up

Which was only ever going to end one way...

Notice absence of big giant thingy.

The less fighty lesser Daemons got caught and Stephen was running out of bodies.

But the big guy kept going.

He faced down the Dwarfs.


The he bottled it and picked on a warmachine.

Nom, nom, nom.

The pink Daemons were just about hanging on.

Angry Big Lad took on the hammerers.

The Stunties did their best to fight back.

However soon after this the game drew to a halt and it turned out the Stephen had won, with Kenton second and the largely passive Dwarfs a distant third.

A great fun game with plenty of cinematic moments.

Hurrah for Warhammer.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

29 Let's Go Campaign: Radar Station at Cardonville

 The American attack continues. In fact the campaign is lost, but we feel like giving all the scenarios a whirl anyway.

In truth, this game happened a few weeks ago and I can't remember wha happened at all - so here's some pictures.

American's jumping off.

Pushing up and taking fire.

A friendly Sherman.

Shock beginning to mount.

More Americans arrive.

And a group end up in a nice little orchard.

And now some phone pictures.

I think it was a very narrow victory to the Germans. Or possibly the Americans. I'll check with Herr Ballzimmer and report back.