
Friday, 28 October 2022

Mortimer's Cross at Partizan Pt.2

 And so the battle raged on...

The surviving Irish got stuck in

As Owen Tudor got bogged down.

Edward held back in the centre as the Lancastrians took their time getting to the oak.

The Irish were doing well, albeit leaving a trail of their own dead. Butler still hung back.

Butler here seen edging away from the rear of his men...

Hi cavalry all slain Owen elected to fight on alone - while his billmen raced to his rescue.

Finally Butler's men were contacted. The Earl himself directed actions from the rear.

Owen's men got their before he was captured, but faced a still challenge.

"I think I left the candles on back in Ormond, I'd better go and check..."

Finally Edward and his men made contact.

Owen's supporters are driven back. Tudor himself looks about to be captured.

The future king begins to lay waste to his foes.

Butler's men see off the cavalry, who withdraw to a nearby hill.

Owen is definitely on his own now

By this stage the forces have thinned and the casualties mounted.

Edwards cannon continue to pound the mercenaries.

Jasper Tudor drives home the attack in the centre.

The future king leads his men to victory!

In the end the Lancastrian forces broke. Despite good success on their left flank (no thanks to the Earl of Wiltshire) their left had been decimated and Owen Tudor captured. Edward's intervention in the centre was enough to bring them to defeat.

All in all pretty historical.

A great day out, the armies and field looked spectacular and colourful Midgard worked very well and we met and spoke to loads of lovely people.