Just in case anyone was wondering the images, words, crap jokes and all the other bits of content on these page remain my copyright. You don't have my permission to copy them or post them anywhere else on the web. This includes you Tango01 you thieving shitweasel.
Monday, 28 February 2022
Warhammer Empire Middenheim Swordsmen
Sunday, 27 February 2022
Warmaster General on Griffon
Another one that needed quite a lot of modern painting. There were some basecoats on, most of which got completely overpainted.
It's a fabulous little model. Part of the actual released range, not one of the test pre-release models.
Saturday, 26 February 2022
Warmaster Empire Mortar
This one needed a quite extensive repaint. Wasn't happy at all with what I did to the actual gun 20 or so years ago. Quite pleased with it now though.
About half way through painting I realised that 30 something me had glued the barrel on upside down. Not something I was prepared to try and fix.
Friday, 25 February 2022
Warmaster Empire Handgunners
Some more re-basing jobs
Thursday, 24 February 2022
Lord of the Rings Midgard
As a change of pace I asked Stephen if he fancied giving James' Midgard rules a go using our Lord of the Rings collections. He did, so we did.
Truth to tell without having played for a while and without James on hand to remind me of the rules I was a bit underprepared, but we kind of muddled through a very basic battle.
The Easterlings advance
At this point we called a halt - some limited success on the evil right was more than counterbalanced by the destruction of their left and centre.
I think Steve enjoyed his first try at Midgard - though we missed loads out and forgot plenty of things.
Was good to get the LotR toys out for a big battle too.
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
Warmaster Daemons of Khorne
I dug out the one other finished unit of the Khorne Daemons that I painted years ago.They're a pretty good match for the ones just finished.
I should find the full army - I think I have quite a lot of Tzeentch and maybe a few Slaanesh all finished.