
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Da Choppa in Da Rock - a 40K 3 player scenario

This is a scenario I've cobbled together (cribbing from various sources) for our Ork v Ork v Ork game tomorrow night.

Da Plot

Morklin the Wonderin’ Wyrdboy has declared that “’Oooevva can pull da Choppa from da rock will be ‘Da Once and Futa Git’” who will reunite the warring Ork tribes of Ilkestaaaaan.
The lads have therefore rushed toward Nob Hill to try and claim this wondrous artefact for themselves.


Nob hill is deep in the verdant (and dangerous) Shyrward Jungle sector of Ilkestaaaaan. So the table is covered in jungle.
In the centre of the table is a hill with a rock with a Big Choppa buried in it


Place a chit (or dice or whatever) for each player in a bag.Draw a chit from the bag.
Whoever is out first gets to pick deployment zone. You can either pick the centre of one long side or a corner. If you pick the centre then the corners on the opposite long side are the other two zones. If you pick a corner then the other corner on the same long side and the centre of the opposite side are the other two zones.
No closer than 9” to the centre of the board
No closer than 12” to the edges of the board
No closer than 9” to the centre of the board
Maximum 12” in and 12” on from the corner

Repeat this process until all deployment zones are allocated
Return chits to the bag and draw again. Whoever is drawn first must deploy entire army. Repeat until all armies are deployed.


Draw a chit from the bag. The player whose chit is drawn takes their turn. At the end of the first player's turn draw another chit and so on.When all three have been drawn return them all to the bag and the turn ends.

Game Length

Random Length (see rulebook)

Victory Conditions

Whoever has the most victory points is the winner.

Primary Objectives

Pulling the Choppa from Da Rock gets 3 Victory points.
Whoever has the Choppa at the end of the game gets 1 VP

Secondary Objectives

Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker
You get 1 VP for each Warlord you slay and 1 VP for each Deployment zone you get a unit into at the end of the game.

Mission Special Rules


At the end of the Movement phase a Warboss may attempt to pull the sword from the stone. On the roll of a 5+ he succeeds.
If he fails he (and any unit he’s with) must immediately fall back 2D6” as all his mates laugh at him for being puny.
If the Warboss is dead a Nob can attempt to pull out the Choppa, but he needs a 6 to manage the feat.
Whoever holds the Choppa has +1 Ld while they have it
Other than that it’s an ordinary Big Choppa
The Choppa is dropped if the Warlord is killed. It can be picked up by a Nob at the end of the movement phase.
If the model carrying the Choppa is killed in HTH combat by a Warboss or Nob, they immediately pinch the Choppa for themselves.
And no, you can't pick up the rock with the Choppa in it and move it.

Dawn assault

Night fighting rules for turn 1


Fall back towards your own deployment zone

Massed melee

Only resolve combats that the active player’s troops are involved in.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Templars and Orks - another 40K game

The verdant jungles of Sufur-W resounded once more with the crack of bolter fire and the pew-pew of lazers as the Black Templar's Titus Crusade again ran into Warlord Gruzzkup and his lads.

Sunday afternoon seems to be turning into a regular gaming session for me and the Gaming Heir. He did offer to play Frostgrave, but his heart's not in it and I know he really wants to play with his 40K toys, so I got the Orks and aquarium plants out again.

This time we used 1000 points (to my amazement I have this much Orks in a mostly painted state) and played one of the rulebook scenarios with a Relic in the centre of the board.

I forgot to take many pictures, but here's a taste:


 Da fin red line

 Dat's right, wave at 'em, dey'll not expect dat!

 Marines disembark

 Apart from this one

 Da Orks advance wiv finess and grace

 Sneakin' froo da jungle

 Da grey uns must be statshooz

 Yikes, Terminaturz

Quick ladz, grab da shiny fing!

After six turns of hard fighting I had the Relic and claimed the victory!

If we're going to do this regularly I might have to make up some sort of campaign.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Frostgrave Tracker and Knight

As I flit like an overweight middle aged butterfly from project to project I settled on a spot of Frostgravery.

I've wanted the Tracker and Dog set since the game launched. Primarily for the dog, which I think is a great model. So naturally I've painted the other model in the blister, the Tracker.
This was a Christmas gift from the smallest boy, so turning him round by the end of February is pretty rapid progress for me.

The dog is undercoated, no promises on when he'll get finished.

The knight I got as part of the original Nickstarter - so getting on for two years ago. Ho hum. It's a really nice model. Noticeably bigger than the tracker, but as he's hired muscle I guess that's what you'd expect.

So that's two more models for the game I never play. *Sigh*

Back to some Orks and 12mm British next.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

40K Orks v Black Templars. Again

Another Wednesday rolls by with the Sherwood Hucknall and Ilkeston Team unable to convene for a game.
So I was forced to cajole the Gaming Heir into getting his soldiers out.
I do seem to have played more 40K than anything for the last few months - which isn't bad going for a game I think isn't terribly good.

750 point throw down this time.

Here's the pictures

 The Orks descend on the jungles of Sufur-W

 Trukk. Ideal for jungle warfare

 Waaagh, Dis way Ladz!

Fine men of the Titus Crusade

 Brother Steinkauz leads the way

 The Warboss charges the Crusader...

 ...and opens it like a tin can

 Sgt Zimmerman is surrounded

 Uh-oh, Terminators!

 Zimmerman fights on!

Yuze aint burnin' uz!

A fun little game. We called it a draw at the end - though the Templars had been reduced to just their commander and there were only a handful or Orks remaining.
It's a clunky system but the models look great and the laddo seems to be enjoying it all - which is kind of the point really.

Ral Partha Hippo and Crocodile

A couple of bits of fauna for the jungles of Tombogo - a hippo and a crocodile both from Ral Partha

Quick and dirty paint jobs.
They're quite nice models, the hippo nicer than the croc but they both seem on the small size - I expect they're 25mm rather than the 28mm of most of the Darkest Africa models I currently have.

But as they're only really intended for my frankly rather silly games of Adventures in Jimland I'm not terribly bothered. Especially as they were only just over a fiver for the pair.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

40K Dreadnought versus Orks

The Gaming Heir got a Space Marine Dreadnought for his birthday.
So we spent some of this afternoon sticking it together.
Then after dinner it had to have a quick test run out.

Which rather drew attention to the fact that I have very little in my Ork army that can hurt it.

Some pictures:

Not the worst way to pass an hour or so.

Now, where did I put those Lootas...

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Toy Soldiers at Nunnington

Number Two in an occasional series of pictures of old toy soldiers taken at National Trust places
These were on display at the charming Nunnington Hall in Yorkshire

There wasn't any context or explanation for these unlike the ones in the huge collection at Wallington that featured in my first such post.
But I saw 'em and snapped 'em and here they are. Highlanders in red coats kneeling to take a charge by the looks of things.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

40K Orks v Marines

Son and heir is currently appearing in the school show. As a result Gaming Heir and I had time alone this evening and squeezed in a quick game of 40K. He wanted to take everything he has, so I took all my Orks and we ran at each other and threw dice and shouted hurrah!

Here's some pictures

 Da Orky battleline

 Da Kans klank forward

 Lost in the jungle

 Da boyz emerge

 Gruzzkup and his nobz attracted a hail of fire

 Da Trukk Ladz race forward

 The only thing capable of hurting the Land Raider gets stuck in

 Da Kanz celebrate tearing a Rhino in two

 Orks and Marines slug it out

Da Kanz find terminators an altogether different proposition

Fun little game - though 40K itself remains a curious blend of bland and simplistic mixed with mind bogglingly trivial complexity. Oh and, lots and lots and lots of dice rolled to achieve almost nothing - 43 atacks, 27 hits, twelve wounds, ten saves. I had to roll seventy (70!!) dice to kill two men? Really?