
Thursday, 30 August 2012

Caerphilly Castle

I was in Wales this week and thought it'd be rude to visit that great country without at going to see at least one castle.
So I picked the biggest one in Wales, and it didn't disappoint.
Even though it has had quite a lot of restoration work done to it in the early and middle parts of the last century in the main it's been tastefully and historically accurately done and the end results are spectacular, even on a slightly dour, wet and overcast Welsh Wednesday.
Anyway I took loads of pictures and as I know wargamers like real castles almost as much as toy ones here they all are:

For some reason Blogger has scrambled the order of these, and I can't be bothered to sort it out, sorry. But you get the general idea, I'm sure.

A great day out, and thanks to my English Heritage membership completely FREE! (due to their reciprocal arrangement with Cadw).
I had a great time, and I think the three small boys I dragged along with me enjoyed it too (though probably not as much as me).

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Hail Caesar Saxons v. Saxons

As prep for our big game on 2nd September at Partizan (do come along and say hello) Scrivs and I arranged to play soldiers.
Unfortunately I forgot to confirm I was coming so arrived to find Scrivs inexplicably absent. Fortunately, stalwart chap that he is, he abandoned Mrs Scrivs on the sofa and legged it round at the drop of a hat and we were able to play. Sorry Mrs Scrivs.

Unfortunately I don't have time to write this up proper like and the pictures I took were a bit rubbish (yellowy light and blurriness does not show off soldiers to best effect).

Suffice it to say that Saxons versus Saxons gave a somewhat unsubtle and unsurprisingly brutal conflict.
At the end of which Scrivs had two formed units left and as I had but a single formed unit remaining I was forced to yield the field.
However the main aim was to re-familiarise ourselves with the rules and it was useful from that respect. Hail Caesar once again gave us a good, fast flowing and fun game and Scrivs was a splendid (if rather tired) opponent as always.